Planning is something most of us do every day in one way or another, whether it’s making a dinner reservation at a restaurant or booking airplane tickets for summer vacation. Making arrangements for the future can provide peace of mind and some certainty in an uncertain world. At Moloney Family Funeral Homes, our dedicated staff members recommend preplanning your funeral to take control of your end-of-life plans. We offer families in Center Moriches, Bohemia, and Holbrook years of expertise along with a free planning tool kit to help you navigate the planning process.
Reasons to Preplan
When you preplan
your funeral, you’ll save your family from making complex decisions in the future regarding your memorial. Preplanning your service will allow them to focus on their grief and celebrate your life when the time comes. Some families we serve decide to prepay for their funeral, which removes the financial burden from their loved ones. Making funeral prepayments may also protect you from rising funeral costs and the effects of inflation. Preplanning provides peace of mind, as you’ll know your detailed funeral plans will be kept in a safe and secure location at our funeral home. You can also amend these plans whenever you wish at no cost to you.
What the Kit Includes
There are many things to consider when planning your funeral or cremation in advance. Our planning tool kit includes an advance directive or living will (with paperwork and forms included), organ donation information, instructions on naming your healthcare proxy, DNR orders, and so much more! To receive your free planning tool kit, simply fill out our online form here. After you receive our planning tool kit, there is no obligation to plan with our funeral home.
Talking to Your Loved Ones About Preplanning
Many people find the topics of death and funeral planning uncomfortable. Though you may feel uneasy bringing up these subjects with loved ones, we recommend doing so sooner than later. Sharing your end-of-life preferences with your family may provide clarity and peace for everyone involved. Be ready to field your family’s questions and concerns regarding your final tribute. Don’t forget to tell them why you’re preplanning your service and what this kind of preparation means to you.
If you wish to learn more about preplanning your funeral or cremation with Moloney, contact our team today. We are available around the clock to answer your questions and provide guidance where needed.
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